Peking Chinese Restaurant (Buk Geong 1999)

Buk Geong

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Genre…………: Drama
Distributor……: Dawoori Entertainment
Year………….: April 24, 1999
Duration………: 95 minutes
Country……….: South Korea
Director………: Kim Ui-Seok (김의석)
Starring………: Kim Seok-Hun (김석훈) / Sin Goo (신구) / Myeong Se-bin (명세빈) / Kim Joong-ki (김중기)

Peking Chinese Restaurant / 북경반점 —-> Peking Express is busy as ever, thanks to the owner HAN’s legendary diligence and his special black bean sauce. Han-kook, son of one of HAN’s childhood friends, steps into HAN’s restaurant holding a jar of black bean sauce. As children, HAN and his friend promised to open the greatest Chinese restaurant in Korea, utilizing a homegrown recipe for the best black bean sauce there is. Under HAN’s guidance, Han-kook settles in and learns to become a chef reveals his use of a commercial brand, claiming that customers prefer the sweet taste of ready-mades to the salty homemade ones. The chef storms off to the rivalling ‘Great wall’, and before long, the restaurant stars losing customers. This, combined with a safe robbery by a noodle maker, forces Peking Express to close. Left alone at the restaurant, Han-kook decides to revive peking Express with help from former workers as well as Mi-rae, HAN’s daughter, who is a manager at a local Italian restaurant.

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